Wednesday, May 10, 2006

'The Hyped and the Hypocritical' (Iran & US)

Just read about half of the Iranian President Ahmadinejad's letter to George W. Bush. Read upto the part where he condemns the September 11th attacks.

Thus far, I agree with him word by word! A nice piece of letter (so far). Clear, direct, and brave. It is all but unexpected that the letter would be dismissed immediately. (You can read the text here). I do think that he is yet to reach any 'agenda' in the letter. Then again, any agenda other than unconditional admission to US allegations would be short of the mark to White House. The points he mentioned in the letter are burning questions inside the hearts of every human being outside of the US and Western Europe. No 'threat' or 'fissure' can be resolved unless these questions are properly answered.

I believe that the world is entitled to answers to the questions in the first part of the letter. After all, it's a tug of war between the hyped and the hypocritical. All we can do is sit back and watch...

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